The Human Rights Actions Network - Derechos Human Rights Direction of Studies on Human Rights UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA Santa Fe, Mexico City, March 10th. 1997. TO YOUR HOLYNESS POPE JOHN PAUL II TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISMS TO THE WORLD PUBLIC OPINION Last Saturday, around midday, were arbitrarily arrested jesuit priests Jerónimo Alberto Hernández López and Gonzalo Rosas Morales, and chole indigenous Francisco González Gutiérrez and Ramón Parcero Martínez. They were illegaly prived of their liberty, without order or any explanation, and only after many negotiations made before federal and local authorities it appeared to be recognized that they were in status of ^Ópresented^Ô before the General Justice Attorney^Òs Office for the Sate of Chiapas. The authorities informed, every moment, that the State Attorney was out of the entity. The captives were kept incommunicated for more than 13 hours, and no visits were allowed. When at last people of their trust could see them, they were found beaten. Twenty four hours later their lawyers were allowed to enter and found out that there is pretended to involve the four prisoners in an ambush to Chiapas Public Security policemen and a dislodge in which two policemen would die and five more would have been wounded, all of which happened the day after their capture. This accusation is not only false, but also impossible, because in the day the pitiful events happened -events that, of course, must be investigated, but in which could be involved paramilitary groups created and tolerated by the government-, the jesuits were moving, along with other priests, to their own working places, because the day before they assisted to the ending of the Diocesan Assembly, in San Cristóbal de las Casas. In spite of which they have been illegaly retained for more than 48 hours, surely in the desire of inventing other crimes for which to accuse them. This new agression inscribes itself in the frame of multiple harrassments, pursuings and threats that have been suffering, for their work for the poorest indigenous, the members of the Catholic Church of the San Cristóbal de las Casas Diocesis, of which are bishops Monsignor Samuel Ruiz García and Fray Raúl Vera, also permanently harrased and slandered. The aggressions to the Catholic church, have arrived to the fact, without precedents, of calling Paz y Justicia (which means Peace and Justice) a tolerated paramilitary group that acts unpunished, evidently taunting the human rights catholic organization called Justicia y Paz. Some authorities are not only not taking the necessary steps to solve the causes that originated the Chiapan conflict, but are also appealing to the methods used in the dirty wars, of such sad rememberings, that make every day more unreachable the rule of law and the peace. Particularly uneasy is the situation of the inhabitants of the North Zone, attended by the captive jesuit priests, because they face the consequences of a low intensity war that began in February, 1995. Once more we turn up in search of Your Holyness and the International Community generous solidarity, with the hope that you will be listened, in demanding the mexican government to stop the agressions to the Catholic Church in general, and particularly the Society of Jesus that today, here, as before in El Salvador, is only complying its pastoral mission, opposing to the violence and fighting for the true respect to the social State of Right, in which the rule be the ethic, the fraternity, the solidarity, the justice, the development, peace, and not unpunishness as it happens now. Please send Urgent Actions to: Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León. President of the United Mexican States. Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos. Fax (525) 515-17-94 Lic. Emilio Chuayffet Chemor. Secretary of Government. Bucareli 99 Col. Juárez, México 06699 D.F. Fax (525) 546-53-50 Dra. Mireille Roccatti. President of the National Comission For Human Rights. Periférico Sur 3469 esquina Luis Cabrera, San Jerónimo Lídice CP 10200. Fax (525) 681-71-99 Lic. Julio César Ruiz Ferro. Governor of the State of Chiapas. Palacio de Gobierno en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Fax (961) 2 09 17 With all our gratefulness and the most cordial of our greetings María Teresa Jardí Alonso Director Human Rights in Mexico