Huamn Rights Defenders Indigenous Communities Case GTM 141096 The International Secretariat of OMCT/SOS-Torture requests your intervention in connection with the following situation in Guatemala. Brief description of the situation The Commission for the Defence of Human Rights (CODEHUCA) member of the network, has expressed utmost concern at the recent illegal detention, torture and death of Mr Juan ORTIZ MORALES, aged 70, an indigenous leader and human rights defender. According to information received, Mr ORTIZ MORALES disappeared on 5 October l996 in Escuintla. His body was recently found and bearing signs of torture and injuries from fire arms. Juan ORTIZ MORALES was one of the founders of the Coordinating Committee for the Mayan Peoples Organizations in Guatemala (COPNAGUA), the Coordinating Committee for the Civil Sectors and in the constitution of the Civil Society Assembly. The International Secretariat stresses its concern at this deplorable event which reveals the high degree of insecurity and risk suffered by the members and leaders of various indigenous associations, trade unions and organizations for the defence of human rights. Action requested Write to the Guatemalan authorities urging them to: i. carry out a complete and impartial investigation into the facts described above in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trail before a competent and impartial court and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by the law; ii. adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the life and safety of indigenous leaders, huamn rights defenders and their families; iii.guarantee the full respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country, in accordance with national legislation and international standards. Addresses S.E. Alvaro Arzu, Presidente de la Republica de Guatemala, Palacio Nacional, Guatemala, Guatemala. Fax : + 502 2 537 472 or 535 856 ó/or 515 667 or 393 333 or 347 364 Sr. Rodolfo Mendoza, Ministro de Gobernacion, Ministerio de Gobernacion, Despacho Ministerial, Of. Nº 8, Palacio Nacional, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Fax : (+ 502 2) 537 472 Dr. Jorge Mario Garcia Laguardia, Procurador de Derechos Humanos, 12 Avenida 12-72, Zona 1, Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala. Fax : (+ 502 2) 530 08 74 / 530 08 76 Lic. Ramses Cuestas Gomez, Fiscal General de la Nacion, Ministerio Publico, 18 Calle 10-36, Zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Fax : (+ 502 2) 53 75 54 / 53 04 82 The Guatemalan embassy in your respective countries. Geneva,14 October 1996 Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of the present appeal in your reply. Ben Schonveld Projects Manager OMCT - SOS Torture Tel: +41-22-733 31 40 Case Postale 119 Fax: +41 22-733 10 51 CH 1211 Geneva 20 Conf: Switzerland OMCT is the l'Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture The World Organisation Against Torture