**Note Mr Attallah has been released** The Human Rights Actions Network - Derechos Human Rights http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/actions/ Special Human Rights Defenders Appeal Case LBN 271296.1 Follow up of Case LBN 271296 The International Secretariat of OMCT has just been informed of the RELEASE of all the people detained in Lebanon - except Mr Pierre Attallah - on whose behalf we asked you to intervene. Brief reminder of the situation : FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights), a member of the network, expressed grave concern over a wave of arrests and arbitary detention that had taken place between the 18th and the 28th of December 1996. There were grave fears for the physical and psychological integrity of all those involved. It was believed that the arrests took place to detain persons presumed to be members of the opposition and leaders of human rights organisations. All the detainees were arrested without warrant and taken to the Ministry of Defence. There was strong evidence that torture had been used and was currently being used on some of those arrested. Among those arrested were, on 24 December 1996, Mr Pierre ATTALAH, journalist and correspondent of Journalists Without Frontiers (RSF) and Mr Wa'il KHEIR, President of the Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights. It appeared that the detention of Mr Wa'il KHEIR was related to the efforts of his organisation to expose the human rights violations that occurred during the round-up. The lawyer of Mr Wa'il KHEIR had been denied access to his client despite his being held for more than 24 hours. New information : FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights), a member of the network, has informed the International Secretariat of the RELEASE of all the people detained - including Mr Wa'il KHEIR - over the past few days. However, Mr Pierre Attallah is still detained. FIDH notes that Mr Wa'il KHEIR, President of the Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights, was not subjected to torture. Observations : The International Secretariat welcomes the release of these people and thanks the member organisations, the other organisations and individuals for their intervention following the distribution of the appeal. However, due to the fact that Mr Pierre Attallah is still detained, the International Secreteriat insists on the necessity to keep on writing to the Lebanese authorities urging them to : i. ensure in all circumstances respect of the physical and psychological integrity of Mr Pierre Attallah; ii. order his immediate release, if he is still detained, in the presumed absence of valid charges; iii.ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with national laws and international standards. Geneva, 7 January 1997 Kindly inform us of any action taken by quoting the code of this appeal in your reply. Ben Schonveld Projects Manager OMCT - SOS Torture Tel: +41-22-733 31 40 Case Postale 119 Fax: +41 22-733 10 51 CH 1211 Geneva 20 Conf: omctsostorture@conf.igc.apc.org Switzerland OMCT@iprolink.ch OMCT is the l'Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture The World Organisation Against Torture