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Antigua and Barbuda Flag  Antigua and Barbuda

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Domestic legislation for serious crimes under international law



Genocide is defined under The Genocide Act of Antigua and Barbuda of 03 December 1975, which reproduces the definition contained in the Genocide Convention.

  • The Genocide Act of Antigua and Barbuda (03 December 1975)
    Chapter 191, The Genocide Act, Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. Source: Ministry of Legal Affairs, St. John's, Antigua

    War Crimes

    The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has ratified the Geneva Conventions I, II, III, IV of 1949 and the two Additional Protocols of 1977 (Date of adherence: 06 October 1986). The United Kingdom's Geneva Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council, 1959 (Geneva Conventions Order), is still in force. Under these provisions, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions are punished.

  • The Geneva Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council, 1959
    UK Statutory Instruments, 1959, No. 1301, London. The National Archives, Ministry of Justice, United Kingdom.

    International Criminal Court

  • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Antigua and Barbuda signed the Rome Statute on 23 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 18 June 2001.


  • The Genocide Act of Antigua and Barbuda (03 December 1975)
    Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, Ministry of Legal Affairs, St. John's, Antigua

  • The Geneva Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council, 1959
    UK Statutory Instruments, 1959, No. 1301, London. The National Archives, Ministry of Justice, United Kingdom.

  • Geneva Conventions Act 1957
    1957 CHAPTER 52 5 and 6 Eliz 2, London, 31 July 1957. The National Archives, Ministry of Justice, United Kingdom.

  • Prisoners of War Act of Antigua and Barbuda (20 May 1902)
    Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, Ministry of Legal Affairs, St. John's, Antigua

  • The Visiting Forces Act of Antigua and Barbuda (21 March 2013)
    Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, Ministry of Legal Affairs, St. John's, Antigua

  • Resources and Links

  • Antigua and Barbuda Courts & Case-Law. [External Link]

  • The Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda.
    The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order 1981, Statutory Instruments 1981 No. 1106, 31 July 1981. [External Link]

  • Official website of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda. [External Link]