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Logo   Domestic implementation of international criminal law

Saudi Arabia Flag  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links

Domestic legislation for serious crimes under international law


Crime of Aggression

No provision found.

Crimes Against Humanity

No provision found.


No provision found.

War Crimes

No specific provision.

Related documents:

  • Implementation Act of the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction".
    Resolution No. 261, Council of Ministers, 28 November 2005 (26 Shawwal 1426). [ENG]

  • Decree on the Creation of the National Commission for International Humanitarian Law.
    Decree No. 144, Council of Ministers, 17 May 2007. [ENG]

    International Criminal Court

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

  • Resources and Links

  • The Constitution of Saudi Arabia. (Adopted on March 1992. With Amendments through 2005)
    The Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas, Austin. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link to pdf]

  • Saudi Arabia: Law of Criminal Procedure. (Royal Decree No. M/39 of 28 Rajab 1422 - 16 October 2001)
    Human Rights Library, University of Minnesota. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link]

  • Saudi Arabia: Law of Procedure before Sharia Courts - Saudi Arabia. (Royal Decree No. M/21, 20 Jumada I, 1421 - 19 August 2000)
    Human Rights Library, University of Minnesota. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link]

  • Law of Judiciary. (Royal Decree No. M/78 of 19/09/1428H - 1 October 2007)
    Board of Grievances. [ARA]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document]

  • The laws of the judiciary
    Board of Grievances. [ARA]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link]

  • War in Syria.
    Follow-up by Equipo Nizkor, (includes Security Council documents). [ENG/FRA/SPA/RUS].

  • List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Saudi Arabia is a State party. [ENG]
    (International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG] [Last accessed 14Jul17] [External Link]