


The families of Kosovo victims were Thursday protesting the acquittal at the Hague of two ex-KLA members.

An association gathering those whose loved ones were kidnapped or killed in Kosovo said Friday that the UN war crimes court, "with its shameful verdicts for KLA members, was now killing the families of the victims."

As the Hague Tribunal set Fatmir Limaj and Jonuz Musliu free, the association sent a letter to the court's Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, which said she was "given the names of the kidnappers and murderers of non-Albanians in Kosovo, but found this evidence irrelevant."

"Is your answer that our loved ones killed themselves? Should Hashim Thaci and Agim Ceku, even though they are responsible for the loss of the lives of our loved ones, remain free to become the premier and be in power, and even to see an independent state of Kosovo," the letter said.

The group said that by the decision to acquit "the Albanian criminals" the Tribunal showed it is "unjust, seeing Serbian victims as unimportant."

The Hague Appeals Chamber Thursday confirmed the first-instance verdict for Limaj and Musliu.

The November 30, 2005, judgment found the pair not guilty of murder, torture and inhuman acts against Serb and Albanian civilians, which the prosecution claimed they committed in 1998.

[Source: Tanjug News Agency B92, Belgrade, 28Sep07]

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