Defining International Aggression
The Search for World Peace

United Nations
Secretariat ST/LIB/32
24 October 1973

A Select Bibliography

Bibliographie sélective


Agenda item 95 of the twenty-eighth session of the General Assembly concerns the question of defining aggression. This list brings together references to monographs and periodical literature, with the exception of the League of Nations and United Nations documentation, in an effort to assist those who are engaged in elaborating a generally acceptable draft definition of aggression. The majority of references cited herein are available in the Dag Hammarskjold Library.


Dans l'ordre du jour de la 28ème session de l'Assemblée générale le point 95 est consacré à la question de la définition de l'agression. Pour aider ceux qui cherchent à établir un projet de définition généralement acceptable, la présente bibliographie rassemble des monographies et articles de périodique traitant de ce sujet à l'exclusion, toutefois, des publications de la Société des Nations et de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. La majorité des ouvrages cités peuvent être consultés ou empruntés à la Bibliothèque Dag Hammarskjöld.


  • Aleksandrov, G. Protive ideologii agressii i voiny. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1954. 81 p.
    [Opposition to the concept of aggression and war]

  • Alfaro, R. J. La cuestion de la definición de la agresión. Revista de derecho internacional (Habana) 59:361-380, septiembre 1951.

  • Angriff und verbotener Krieg. Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Vienna) 16:68-78, 1936.
    [Analysis of the problem of war]

  • Aroneanu, Eugène. La définition de l'agression; exposé objectif. Paris, Les Editions internationales, 1958. 405 p.

  • Baginian, K. A. Agressiia - tiagchaishee mezhdunarodnoe prestuplenie; k voprosu ob opredelenii agressii. Moskva, Izdat. Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1955. 126 p.
    [Aggression - a grave international crime; the question of definition of aggression]

  • Balicki, Jan. Pojecie agresji w prawie miedzynarodowym. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, 1952. 176 p.
    [Concept of aggression in international law]

  • Balicki, Jan. 0 definicji agresji. Panstwo i prawo (Warszawa) 7:48-60, lipiec 1952.
    [Concerning the definition of aggression]

  • Barajas, M. de los D. El concepto juridico de la agresion. México, 1965. 147 p. (Tesis - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

  • Bartolomeo Carlomagno, Roberto. El conflicto de Corea y los principios jurdicos acerca de la agresión. 2. e. Córdoba, Argentina, Imprenta de la Universidad, 1952. 44 p.

  • Baumgarten Arthur. Der Völkerrechtliche Begriff der Aggression. Neue Justiz (Berlin) 5:442-443, 1951.

  • Baxter, R. R. The legal consequences of the unlawful use of force under the Charter. In Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its sixty-second annual meeting, April 25-27, 1968. Washington, D.C., 1968. p. 68-82.

  • Bierzanek, Remigiusz. Definicja agresji w dwietle prac Komitetu Specjalnego ONZ. Sprawy miedzynarodowe (Warszawa) 23:77-91, sierpie 1970.
    [Definition of aggression in the Special Committee of the United Nations]

  • Bilfinger, C. Die russische Definition des Angreifers. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart) 7:483-496, 1937.

  • Bittencourt Camara, L. de S. O agressor ante o direito internacional público moderno. Bahía, 1939.

  • Blix, Hans. Is there a need for a definition of "aggression"? In Dag Hammarskjöld Seminar on the Structure, Role and Functions of the UN System, Uppsala, 1968, Part I. Uppsala, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, 1969 (Lectures, no. 7) p. 1-14.

  • Boutros Samaan, S. Définition de l'agression. Revue égyptienne de droit international (Le Caire) 24:187- , 1968.
    In Arabic.

  • Braatoy, B. The quest for treaty definitions of aggression. Nordisktidsskrift for international ret (København) 5:29-40, 1934.

  • Bramson, A. Definicja agresji a ustawy o obronie pokoju. Sprawy miedzynarodove (Warszawa) no 3:60-68, maj-czerwiec 1952.
    [Definition of aggression and peacekeeping charters]

  • Braun, Elizabeth Esser. La definición de "agresión" en el seno de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, 1950-1968. Foro internacional (México) 10: 436-452, abril-junio 1970.

  • Broms, Bengt. The definition of aggression in the United Nations. Turku, 1968. 162 p. (Turku, Finland. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora, 108)

  • Brownlie, Ian. International law and the use of force by states. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963. xxviii, 532 p.
    Bibliography; p. 475-519.

  • Brownlie, I. The use of force in self-defence. In British yearbook of international law, v. 37, 1961. London, Oxford U.P, 1962. p. 183-268.

  • Carballa, Juan B. La legítima defensa en la jurisprudencia nacional. Montevideo, 1944. 160 p. (Montevideo. Universidad. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Biblioteca de publicaciones oficiales, sección 2, 29)
    Tésis. Universidad de Montevideo.
    Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 1944.

  • Castrén, Erik. Recognition of insurgency. Indian Journal of international law (New Delhi) 5:443-454, October 1965.

  • Chacko, C. J. International law and the concept of aggression. Indian journal of international law (New Delhi) 3:396-412, October 1963: 4:85-96, January 1964.

  • Chacko, C. J. and S. N. Sinha. Aggression and international law. In Proceedings of the Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi, 1964. p. 66-80.

  • Chkhikvadze, V. and O. Bogdanov. Definition of aggression - an important instrument in the struggle for peace. International affairs (Moscow) no 7: 27-32, July 1969.

  • Chkhikvadze, V. and O. Bogdanov. Who is hindering progress in the definition of aggression. International affairs (Moscow) no 10:22-28, 1971.

  • Cockram, B. The United Nations and resistance to aggression. South African law journal (Cape Town) 80:490-504, November 1963.

  • Cooper, John Sherman. U.N. legal committee discusses the question of defining aggression. Department of State [United States] bulletin (Washington, D.C.) 59:664-672, 23 December 1968.

  • Corning, Peter A. and Constance Hellyer Corning. Toward a general theory of violent aggression. Social science information (Paris) 11:7-35, June-August 1972.

  • Die Definition des Angreifers auf der Abrstungskonferenz. Friedenswarte (Zürich) 33:200-204, 1933.

  • De la Brière, R. P. Yves. La définition de l'agresseur. L'Esprit international (Paris) 7:616-625, 1933.

  • Delivanis, Jean. La légitime défense en droit international public moderne; le droit international face à ses limites. Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1971. xv, 201 p. (Bibliothèque de droit international, 59)
    Thèse. Caen, France. Université. Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, 1969.

  • Derriennic, Jean-Pierre. Theory and iaeologies of violence. Journal of peace research (Oslo) 9:361-374, 1972, no. 4.
    Summary in Russian.

  • Diamandesco, Jean. Le problème de l'agression dans le droit international public actuel. Paris, Pedone, 1936. 252 p.

  • Dmitriev, D. i E. Skakunov. Opredelenie agressii i ustav OON. Mezhdunarodnaia zhizn (Moskva) no 4:73-79, 1973.
    [Definition of aggression and the Charter of the United Nations]

  • Eagleton, C. The attempt to define aggression. N.Y., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1930. (International conciliation, 264)

  • Erich, R. L'interdiction de la guerre d'agression. Revue de droit international (Paris) 1:755-759, 1927.

  • Erich, R. Les traités de non-agression entre membres et non-membres de la Societé des Nations. Revue de droit international et de législation compardée (Bruxelles) 7:613-621, 1926.

  • Esfandiary, Mohsen Sadigh. The role of the General Assembly in dealing with threats to the peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [1962] 329 p. (O-P book)

  • Estrada y de Miguel, Emilio. Agresión y Legítima Defensa. In Estudios de derecho internacional público y privado; homenaje al profesor Luis Sela Sampil, v. 2. Oviedo, Spain, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo, 1970. p. 769-799.

  • Falk, R. A. Quincy Wright: on legal tests of aggressive war. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.) 66:560-571, July 1972.

  • Falk, Richard A. Legal order in a violent world. Princeton, N.J., Princeton U.P. for the Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1968. xvi, 610 p.

  • Faut-il proscrire seulement la guerre d'agression ou toutes les guerres? Revue générale de droit international public (Paris) 39:498-511, 1932.

  • Feinberg, N. The question of defining "armed attack". In Mélanges en l'honneur de Gilbert Gidel. Paris, 1961. p. 257-274.

  • Ferencz, Benjamin B. Defining aggression as a means to peace. [Washington, D.C.] B'nai B'rith International Council [1972] 32 p.

  • Ferencz, B. B. Defining aggression: where it stands and where it's going. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.)66:491-508, July 1972.

  • Finch, G. A. Development of international law [definition of aggression] with discussion. In Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its forty-second annual meeting, April 22-24, 1948. Washington, D.C. 1948. pi 16-40.

  • France. Direction de la Documentation. L'U.R.S.S. et la définition de l'agression. Paris, 1959. 27 p. (Its: Travaux et recherches, 6)

  • Franklin, Mitchell. The formulation of the conception of aggression. [Brussels] International Association of Democratic Lawyers, [1952?] 30 p.

  • Franzke, H. G. Die militärische Abwehr von Angriffen auf Staatsangehörige im Ausland: insbesondere ihre Zulässigkeit nach der Satzung der Vereinten Nationen. Osterreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien) 16: 128-175, 1966, no. 1-2.

  • Freeman, Alwyn V. Why try again to define aggression? American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.) 62:701-722, July 1968.

  • Friede, W. Die Ostpakte uber die Definition des Angreifers. Zeitschrift für Ostrecht (Berlin) 7:719-723, 1933.

  • Galtung, Johan. Fredsforskning. [Tiln svenska av L. Sahlin. Stockholm] Bokförlaget Prisma [1967] 174 p. (Verdandi debatt, 33)

  • Galtung, Johan. A structural theory of aggression. Journal of peace research (Oslo) 2:95-119, 1964.

  • García Lupo, Rogelio. Contra la ocupación extranjera. 2. ed. [Buenos Aires] Editorial Sudestada, 1968. 190 p. (Colección presente político)

  • Garnett, J. C. and M. Wright. The concept of aggression in international politics. International relations (London) 3:702-716, May 1970.

  • Georgetown University, Washington. School of Foreign Service. Institute of World Policy. The law of limited international conflict; a study. Washington, D.C., 1965. xviii, 258 p.
    Bibliography: p. 218-255.

  • Gilberto, A. La question de la définition de l'agression. Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques (Genève) 30:147-155, avril-juin 1952.

  • Giraud, Emile. L'interdiction du recours à la force; la théorie et la pratique des Nations Unies. A propos de l'affaire cubaine, la quarantaine. Paris, Editions A. Pedone, 1963. 43 p.
    Extract from: Revue générale de droit international public, juillet-septembre 1963, no. 3.

  • Glaser, S. "Agression spatiale" à la lumière du droit international pénal. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (Berne) 77:129-161, 1961.

  • Gordon, E. Evolution de la notion d'"agression" en droit international public. In Mélanges offerts à Ernest Mahaim. Paris, Sirey, 1935, v. 2, p. 134-145.

  • Green, R. T. and G. Santori. A cross cultural study of hostility and aggression. Journal of peace research (Oslo) no 1:13-22, 1969.

  • Grey, F. T. Aggression and the aggressor. Transactions of the Grotius Society (London) 24:169-178, 1938.

  • Hambro, Edvard. The question of the definition of aggression before the 22nd session of the General Assembly. 15 p. (In: Festskrift til professor Alf Ross. København, 1969. p. 153-167)

  • Hazard, J. N . Why try again to define aggression? American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.) 62:701-710, July 1968.

  • Henkin, Louis. Force, intervention, and neutrality in contemporary international law. In Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its 57th annual meeting, April 25-27, 1963. Washington, D.C., 1963. p. 147-173.

  • Herezegh, Géza. The prohibition of the threat and use of force in contemporary international law. In Questions of international law, 1964. Budapest, Hungarian Branch of the International Law Association [1964] p. 70-92.

  • Hertz, W. G. Das Problem des völkerrechtlichen Angriffs. Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1935. 183 p.

  • Higgins, R. Legal limits to the use of force by sovereign states - United Nations practice. In British yearbook of international law, v. 37, 1961. London, Oxford U.P., 1962. p. 269-319.

  • Hollitscher, W. "Instinctive aggression" in man? Man misrepresented as an animal. Peace and the sciences (Vienna) no 3:13-24, 1970.

  • Horsburgh, H. J. N. Non-violence and aggression: a study of Gandhi's moral equivalent of war. London, Oxford University Press, 1968. 207 p.

  • Hula, Erich. Fundamentals of collective security. N.Y., 1957. 36 p. Concerning methods for dealing with aggression.
    (Reprint from: Social research, vol. 24, no. 1, spring 1957)

  • Jazi, Z. United Nations and definition of aggression. Jugoslovenska revija za medunarodno pravo (Beograd) 17:185-206, 1970, no. 2-3.

  • Jelf, E. A. What is war? What is aggressive war? In Transactions of the Grotius Society, 1934. London, 1934. p. 103-114.

  • Jones, Goronwy J. Security from aggression. Cardiff, Priory Press, 1949. 55 p.

  • K voprosu ob opredelenii agressii. Novoe vremia (Moskva)no 51:1-2, 17 dekabria 1952.
    [The question of definition of aggression]

  • Kahn, S. G. Private armed groups and world order. In Netherlands yearbook of international law, v. 1, 1970. Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1971. p. 32-54.

  • King, James E. Jr. Aggression and collective defence [difficulties in defining aggression in order to set into motion collective defense machinery]. SAIS R (Washington, D.C.) 3:23-28, spring 1959.

  • Klein, F. Der Begriff des "Angriffs" in der UN-Satzung. In Cologne. Universität. Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Festschrift Hermann Jahrreiss. Köln, 1964. p. 163-188.

  • Komarnicki, Waclaw. La définition de l'agresseur dans le droit international moderne. Paris, Sirey, 1949. 113 p.

  • Kopal, V. Povinnost vystihat se hrozby silou a použití síly v mezinárodních vztazích. Casopis pro mezinárodni právo (Praha)7:185-213, 1963.
    [The obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force in international relations]
    Summary in English.

  • Kopelmans, L. The problem of aggression and the prevention of war. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.)31:244-257, April 1937.

  • Kulakov, V. M. Ideologiia agressii. Moskva, Voennoe Izd-vo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, 1970. 366 p.
    [Ideology of aggression]

  • Langer, Robert. Seizure of territory, the Stimson doctrine and related principles in legal theory and diplomatic practice. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1947. viii, 313 p.
    Bibliography: p. 291-298.

  • Laun, R. Angriff und Verteidigung. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht (Breslau) 10:504-546, 1917-1918.

  • Lauterpacht, E. Legal irrelevance of the "state of war". In Proceedings of the American Society of international law at its sixty-second annual meeting, April 25-27, 1968. Washington, D.C., 1968. p. 58-67.

  • Lazarev, M. I. Ob opredelenii poniatiia agressii. In Soviet yearbook of international law, 1969. Moscow, Publishing House Nauka, 1970. p. 109-124.
    [On the definition of the notion of aggression]
    Summary in English.

  • Le Borgne, Claude. La violence expressive. In Annales d'études internationales, v. 3, 1972. Geneva, Association des Anciens Etudiants de l'Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, 1972. p. 85-90.

  • Lederer, Z. J. La définition de l'agresseur. Revue de droit international (Genève) 13:119-125, 1935.

  • LeFur, L. L'agression; travaux de Genève et Conventions de Londres. Revue de droit international (Paris) 12:251-283, 1933.

  • LeFur, L. Les Conventions de Londres (1933) et la définition de l'agresseur. Revue de droit international (Genève) 11:179-191, 1933.

  • Liang, Y. Notes on legal questions concerning the United Nations: the question of defining aggression. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.) 46:667-681, 1952.

  • Liang, Y. L. Third session of the International Law Commission: review of its work by the General Assembly: the question of defining aggression. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.) 46:671-681, October 1952.

  • Liang, Y. L. La question de la définition de l'agression. Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques (Genève)47:175-181, janvier-mars 1969.

  • Lumb, R. D. Individual responsibility for aggressive war; the crime against peace. University of Queensland law journal (Brisbane)3:333- , December 1959.

  • McConnell, J. R. Can law impede aggressive war? American Bar Association journal (Chicago) 50:131-135, February 1964.

  • McDougal, M. S. and F. P. Feliciano. International coercion and world public order: the general principles of the law of war. Yale law journal (New Haven, Conn.) 67:771-845, April 1958.

  • McDougal, M. S. and F. P. Feliciano. Legal regulation of resort to international coercion: aggression and self-defense in policy perspective. Yale law Journal (New Haven, Conn.) 68:1057-1165, May 1959.

  • Mackay, C. J. Agressiviteit en oorlog. Internationale spectator ('s- Gravenhage)16:510-530, 8 November 1962; 569-585, 8 December 1962.
    Abstract in English.

  • Mandelstam, A. N. Réflexions sur la constatation de l'agression. In Mélanges Streit. Athens, 1939. p. 557-573.

  • Matei, George. Rumyniia i Londonskaia konventsiia ob opredelenji agressora (iiul'1933 g.). Revue roumaine d'études internationales (Bucarest)no 3:131-148, 1971.
    [Romania and the London Convention on the Definition of Aggression]

  • Megargee, Edwin I. The dynamics of aggression; individual, group, and international analyses. Edited by E. I. Megargee and J. E. Hokansen. N.Y., Harper and Row [1970] 271 p.

  • Morawiecki, Wojciech. Walka o definicJe agresji w prawie miedzynarodowym. Warszawa, Pastwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1956. 422 p.

  • Murty, P. N. Aggression in international law. India quarterly (New Delhi) 7:269-281, July-September 1951.

  • Myslil, Stanislav. Zákaz agrese a jiného pouzítí sily a hrozby silou v posledních navrzích státu. Casopis pro mezinárodná právo (Praha)13:168-178, 1969, no. 2.
    [The prohibition of aggression and other use of force and of threat or force contained in recent proposals of states]

  • Nicholson, M. B. Defining aggression. Twentieth century (London)175:6-10, August 1966.

  • Nogueira, Ataliba. As Naçoes-Unidas e a definiçao de agressao. Sao Paulo, Emprêsa Gráfica de Revista dos Tribunais, 1959. [5] p.

  • Extract from: Revista da Faculdade de Direito, da Universidade de Sao Paulo, ano 54, 1959, fasc. 1.

  • Norden, Albert. Le secret des guerres; genèse et techniques de l'agression. [Tr. from the German] Paris, Le Pavillon [1972] 374 p.

  • Novogrod, J. C. Collective security under the Rio treaty; the problem of indirect aggression. JAG Journal (Washington, D.C.)24:99-110, 1969-1970.

  • Odescalchi, Edmond P. The nature and control of aggression. Modern age (Chicago)11:374-380, fall 1967.

  • Orlovskii, A. V. Otvetstvennost' gosudarstva za agressiiu. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1969. 146 p.
    [The State's responsibility for aggression]

  • Osgood, Robert Endicott. Force, order, and justice, by R. E. Osgood and R. W. Tucker. Baltimore [Md.] Johns Hopkins Press [1967] 374 p.

  • Pal, R. What is aggressive war? Indian law review (Calcutta)4:99-142, 1950.

  • Pimont, Yves. La subversion dans les relations internationales contemporaines. Revue générale de droit international public (Paris)76:768-799, juillet-septembre 1972.

  • Piper, Donald C. The legal control of the use of force and the definition of aggression. Georgia journal of international and comparative law (Athens, Georgia)2:l-17, 1972, supplement 1.
    Discussion by Salo Engel, James L. Tanbee, et al, p. 37-43.

  • Pompe, C. A. Aggressive war, an international crime. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1953. 382 p.

  • Pordea, G. L'agression, ses critères déterminatifs et sa définition. Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques (Genève)30:367-383, octobre-décembre 1952.

  • Quelques observations sur la notion de guerre d'agression. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée (Bruxelles)12:262-267, 1931.

  • Radoikovitch, M. La définition de l'agresseur. Beograd, Association Yougoslave de Droit international, 1934.

  • Reichhelm, Konrad. Der Angriff; eine fölkerrechtliche Untersuchung über Begriff, von dr. Konrad Reichhelm. Berlin-Grünewald, Verlag für Staatswibsenschaften und Geschichte g.m.b.h., 1934. vii, 71 p. (Internationalrechtliche Abhandlungen... 27. Abhandlung)

  • Research in international law. I. Judicial assistance. II. Rights and duties of neutral States in naval and aerial war. III. Rights and duties of States in case of aggression. Drafts of conventions prepared for the codification of international law. [Concord, N.H., printed at the Rumford Press, 1939]

  • Romashkin, P. S. Agressia - tiagchaishee prestuplenie protiv mira i chelovechestva. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo (Moskva)no 1:55-67, January 1963.
    [Aggression; the gravest crime against peace and humanity]

  • Samsonow, Michael S. Political philosophy of aggression. Pacific Coast Publishers, Menlo Park, California, 1961. 35 p.

  • Schücking, W. Die Definition des Angriffs. Völkerbund (Bern)no 12, 1932.

  • Serra, Enrico. ... L'aggressione internazionale. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1946. 1 p. 1, 5-203 [1] p.
    Bibliographical footnotes.

  • Sharmazanashvili, Givi Vladimirovich. Printsip nenapadeniia v mezhdunarodnom prave (Otvet. redaktor: G. P. Zadorozhnyi) Moskva, Izdat. Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958. 94 p.
    [Principle of non-aggression in international law]

  • Sidjanski, D. and S. Castanos. L'agression au point de vue idéologique et réel. Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques (Genève)30:444-55, janvier-mars 1952.

  • Soderlund, Walter C. An analysis of the guerilla insurgency and coup d'état as techniques of indirect aggression. International studies quarterly (Detroit)14:335-360, December 1970.

  • Sohn, L. B. Definition of aggression. Virginia law review (Charlottesville, Va.)45:6 97-701, June 1959.

  • Sottile, A. Agression idéologique, économique. Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques (Genève)38:418-421, octobre-décembre 1960.

  • Spiropoulos, J. La question de la d´rfinition de l'agression devant les Nations Unies. In Mélanges en l'honneur de Gilbert Gidel (Paris, 1961) p. 543-556.

  • Stone, Julius. Aggression and world order; a critique of United Nations theories of aggression. London, Stevens, 1958. 226 p. (The Library of world affairs, 39)
    "Published under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs"

  • Sukijasovi, Miodrag. Pojam agresije u medunarodnom pravu. Beograd, Institut za Medunarodnu Politiku i Privredu, 1967. 302 p.
    [The concept of aggression in international law]
    Summaries in English and Russian.

  • Sukijasovi, M. Zastoj u radu ujedinjenih nacija na definisanju agresije. Archiv za pravne i drustvene nauke (Beograd)50:429-434, Juli-September 1953.
    [Difficulty in the work of the United Nations concerning the definition of aggression]

  • Supervielle Saavedra, Bernardo. La nuevas formas de agresión; ensayo de derecho in ternacional público. Montevideo [Editorial Martín Bianchi Altuna] 1961. 196 p.

  • Théry, R. La notion d'agression en droit international. Paris, Pedone. 1937. 256 p.
    Bibliographie: p. 249-254.

  • Thirring, H. Who is an aggressor? Bulletin of atomic scientists (Chicago) 9:68-72, April 1953.

  • Thomas, A. J. The international law of indirect aggression and subversion [by] A. J. Thomas, A. van Wynen Thomas [and] O. A. Salas. Additional working papers presented by H. J. Taubenfeld [and others] Dallas, Tex., Southern Methodist U.P., 1966. 547 p.

  • Thomas, Ann van Wynen. The concept of aggression in international law [by] A. van Wynen Thomas [and] A. J. Thomas. Dallas [Tex.] Southern Methodist U.P. [1972] 114 p. (Dallas. Southern Methodist University. School of Law. SMU Law School study)

  • Torres Bernardez, Santiago. Examen de la définition de l'agression; troisième session du Comité créé en application de la résolution 1181 (XII) de l'Assemblée générale (New York, 1965). In Annuaire français de droit international, v. 11, 1965. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1966. p. 528-545.

  • Tucker, Robert W. Reprisals and self-defense; the customary law. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C. )66:586-596, July 1972.

  • Tunkin, G. Sovetskoe opredelenie agressii v Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsii. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo (Moskva)no 2-3:89-101, 1953.
    [Soviet definition of aggression in the United Nations]

  • Undén, O. Quelques observations sur la notion de guerre d'agression. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée (Paris)12:262-267, 1931.

  • Vignol, R. Définition de l'agresseur dans la guerre. (Thesis) Paris, 1933.

  • Wittig, P. The notion of aggression in the linguistic usage of States and international organisations. In Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkerrechtliches Gewaltverbot und Friedenssicherung. p. 33-73 (Baden-Baden) 1971.
    In German.

  • Wright, Q. The concept of aggression in international law. American journal of international law (Washington, D.C.)29:373-395, 1935.

  • Wright, Q. Prevention of aggression. American Journal of international law (Washington, D.C.)50:514-532, July 1956.

  • Zakharova, N. V. Agressiia - naibolee gruboe narushenie pray cheloveka. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo (Moskva)no 12:55-63, December 1968.
    [Aggression - the most flagrant violation of human rights]

  • Zivi, J. Definition of aggression. Review of international affairs (Belgrade) 21:11-41, 20 January 1970.

  • Zourek, Jaroslav. La définition de l'agression et le droit international, développements récents de la question. Leyde, A. W. Sijthoff, 1957. [10] p.

    Source: U.N. Secretariat, ST/LIB/32, Definition of Aggression, A Select Bibliography, Oct. 24, 1973.
    Editorial Note: This is a true copy of the above-referenced original document. This document is reproduced in Benjamin B. Ferencz's work "Defining International Aggression - The Search for World Peace", Vol. 2, as Document No. 28.

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    Published online by Equipo Nizkor - 26 March 2013