


40 civilians reportedly killed in NATO air strikes on Tripoli; Defense Secretary to address congress

At least 40 civilians have been killed in NATO air strikes on Tripoli, the Vatican's top envoy to Libya said Thursday.

"They are killing dozens of civilians," said Bishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli. "In the Tajoura neighborhood, around 40 civilians were killed and a house with a family inside collapsed."

"In the Buslim neighborhood, due to bombardments, a civilian building came down, although it is not clear how many people were inside."

Martinelli said that he had not seen any casualties himself, but was relying on reports from "contacts" among Tripoli's residents.

NATO said it was investigating Martinelli's claim, but has insisted it has no evidence of civilian casualties from air strikes.

"I am aware of the report ... I take every one of those issues seriously," said Canadian Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, who is commanding NATO's Libyan operation.

[Source: By Lukas Alpert, Dayly News Staff Writer, NY, 31Mar11]

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Libya War
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