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Crime of Aggression

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Myanmar Flag  Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links

Domestic legislation for serious crimes under international law


Crime of Aggression

No provision.

Crimes Against Humanity

No provision.


No provision.

War Crimes

No specific provision.

Related documents:

  • The Myanmar Red Cross Society Act, 1959. Act No. 25/1959 (21 September 1959, as amended up to May 2001). [ENG]

  • The Geneva Convention Implementing Act 1936. India Act XIV, 1936. (27 October 1936). [ENG]
    "This Act was sanctioned in order to implement the International Convention for the amelioration of the Conditions of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field, adopted in Geneva on 27 July, 1929. It was enacted by India in 1936 and, as one of India's a successor States, Myanmar recognized its applicability within its internal legal order. The Act prohibits the use of imitations of the red cross emblem and provides for a penalty for those violating this prohibition" (Comment by the International Committee of the Red Cross at the National Implementation of IHL database)

    International Criminal Court

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

  • Resources and Links

  • Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008).
    Official website of the President Office of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link to pdf document]

  • The Penal Code of Myanmar.
    Online Burma/Myanmar Library. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link]

  • The Burma Code: Vols. I - XIII.
    The Supreme Court of the Union, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link]

  • Myanmar Laws 1872-2015.
    Asian Legal Information Institute. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link]

  • The Burma Code 1839-1951.
    Asian Legal Information Institute. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link]

  • List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Myanmar is a State party.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Jun17]. [External Link]