Defining International Aggression
The Search for World Peace

V. Resolutions and Recommendations adopted on the Reports of the Third Committee.


The Assembly,

Recognising the solidarity which unites the community of nations;

Being inspired by a firm desire for the maintenance of general peace;

Being convinced that a war of aggression can never serve as a means of settling international disputes and is, in consequence, an international crime;

Considering that a solemn renunciation of all wars of aggression would tend to create an atmosphere of general confidence calculated to facilitate the progress of the work undertaken with a view to disarmament

Declares :

    (1) That all wars of aggression are, and shall always be, prohibited;

    (2) That every pacific means must be employed to settle disputes, of every description, which may arise between States.

The Assembly declares that the States Members of the League are under an obligation to conform to these principles.

[Resolution adopted by roll call on September 24 th, 1927 (morning).]

Source: League of Nations, Declaration Concerning Wars of Aggression, League of Nations Official Journal (Special Supplement No. 53), September 24, 1927, p. 22.
Editorial Note: This is a true copy of the above-referenced original document. This document is reproduced in Benjamin B. Ferencz's work "Defining International Aggression - The Search for World Peace", Vol. 1, as Document No. 5.

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Published online by Equipo Nizkor - 13 March 2013