Core international crimes:

Crime of Aggression

Crimes Against Humanity


War Crimes

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  Domestic implementation of international criminal law for serious crimes

France Flag  France

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Domestic Legislation


Crime of Aggression / Crimes against Peace

France has not ratified the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on Crime of Aggression.

France was a co-signatory of the London Agreement of 1945 and the Nuremberg Charter:

  • Allied Control Council Law No. 10.
    (Jurisdictional Basis of the Twelve Subsequent War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg)
    Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10, Volume XV, Nuernberg, October 1946-April 1949, Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1953, pp. 23-28.
  • Charter of the Nürnberg International Military Tribunal.
    Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. United States Printing Office. Washington, 1946.
    Vol I, pp. 4-12.
  • London Agreement of August 8th 1945.
    Agreement by the Government of the United States of America, the Provisional Government of the French Republic, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, United States Printing Office, Washington, 1946. Vol I, pp. 1-3
  • Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy.
    League of Nations, Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy, done at Locarno, October 16, 1925, League of Nations Treaty Series, 1926, pp. 291-297.

    Crimes Against Humanity

    "In France, crimes against humanity are governed by Book II, Title I, of the Penal Code, entitled 'Crimes against Humanity and the Human Species.' The original provisions were enacted in December 1964... Subtitle I specifically addresses crimes against humanity: genocide (art. 211-1); other crimes against humanity, including deportation, enslavement, systematic practice of summary executions, and other additional offenses (arts. 212-1 to 212-3); and common provisions (arts. 213-1 to 213-5). Subtitle II governs eugenic practices and human reproductive cloning (arts. 214-1 to 214-4 and 215-1 to 215-4).

    Crimes against humanity are punishable by life imprisonment. They are not subject to any statute of limitations. French law also recognizes the criminal liability of legal entities in a large number of offenses including crimes against humanity. France extends the reach of French criminal law to offenses committed outside its territory by a French or foreign national when the victim is a French national (Penal Code, art. 113-7)." [Law Library of Congress, Multinational Report: Crimes Against Humanity Statutes and Criminal Code Provisions, April 2010]

      BOOK II: Felonies And Misdemeanours Against Persons

        TITLE I: Crimes Against Humanity And Against Persons
          SUBTITLE I: Crimes Against Humanity
            CHAPTER I: Genocide

        Article 211-1
        Genocide occurs where, in the enforcement of a concerted plan aimed at the partial or total destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, or of a group determined by any other arbitrary criterion, one of the following actions are committed or caused to be committed against members of that group:
          - wilful attack on life;
          - serious attack on psychological or physical integrity;
          - subjection to living conditions likely to entail the partial or total destruction of that group;
          - measures aimed at preventing births;
          - enforced child transfers.

        Genocide is punished by criminal imprisonment for life.

        The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 governing the safety period apply to the felony provided for by the present article.

            CHAPTER II: Other Crimes Against Humanity

        Article 212-1

        Deportation, enslavement or the massive and systematic practice of summary executions, abduction of persons followed by their disappearance, of torture or inhuman acts, inspired by political, philosophical, racial or religious motives, and organised in pursuit of a concerted plan against a section of a civil population are punished by criminal imprisonment for life.
        The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 governing the safety period are applicable to felonies provided for by the present article.
        Article 212-2
        Where they are committed during war time in execution of a concerted plan against persons fighting the ideological system in the name of which are perpetrated crimes against humanity, the actions referred to under article 212-1 are punished by criminal imprisonment for life.
        The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 governing the safety period are applicable to felonies set out under the present article.
        Article 212-3
        Participation in a group formed or in an agreement established with a view to the preparation, as demonstrated by one or more material actions, of any of the felonies defined by articles 211-1, 212-1 and 212-2 is punished by criminal imprisonment for life.
        The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 governing the safety period are applicable to the felony set out under the present article.

            CHAPTER III: Common Provisions

        Article 213-1

        Natural persons convicted of the offences set out under the present Subtitle also incur the following penalties:
        1. forfeiture of civic, civil and family rights, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131-26;
        2. prohibition to hold public office, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131 -27;
        3. area banishment, pursuant to the conditions set out under Article 131-31;
        4. confiscation of any or all of their assets
        Article 213-2
        (Act no. 1993-1027 of 24 August 1993 Article 33 Official Journal of 29 August 1993)
        (Act no. 1998-349 of 11 May 1998 Article 37 Official Journal of 12 May 1998)
        (Act no. 2003-1119 of 26 November 2003 Article 78 III Official Journal of 27 November 2003)

        Any alien convicted of any of the offences under the present title may be banished from French territory either permanently or for a maximum period of ten years, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131-10
        Article 213-3 Legal persons may incur criminal liability for crimes against humanity pursuant to the conditions set out under article 121-2. The penalties to be incurred by legal persons are:
        1. the penalties enumerated under article 131-39;
        2. confiscation of any or all of their assets
        Article 213-4
        The perpetrator or the accomplice to a felony under the present title is not exonerated from his responsibility on the sole basis that he performed an act prescribed or authorised by statutory or regulatory provisions, or an act ordered by legitimate authority. A court shall nevertheless take this circumstance into account when deciding the nature and extent of the sentence.
        Article 213-5
        Criminal liability for the felonies set out under the present title is imprescriptable, as are the sentences imposed

      [Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base]

  • Code pénal. [External link]
    (Full text of Penal Code of France). Version consolidée au 4 mars 2017. Legifrance [FRA]
    [Edition in progress]
  • Penal Code. [External link]
    Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base [ENG]
    [Edition in progress]
  • Loi n° 64-1326 tendant à constater l'imprescriptibilité des crimes contre l'humanité
    Président de la République, Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, 26 décembre 1964 [FRA]


      BOOK II: Felonies And Misdemeanours Against Persons
        TITLE I: Crimes Against Humanity And Against Persons
          SUBTITLE I: Crimes Against Humanity
            CHAPTER I: Genocide

        Article 211-1
        Genocide occurs where, in the enforcement of a concerted plan aimed at the partial or total destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, or of a group determined by any other arbitrary criterion, one of the following actions are committed or caused to be committed against members of that group:
          - wilful attack on life;
          - serious attack on psychological or physical integrity;
          - subjection to living conditions likely to entail the partial or total destruction of that group;
          - measures aimed at preventing births;
          - enforced child transfers.

        Genocide is punished by criminal imprisonment for life.

        The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 governing the safety period apply to the felony provided for by the present article.


            CHAPTER III: Common Provisions

        Article 213-1
        Natural persons convicted of the offences set out under the present Subtitle also incur the following penalties:

        1. forfeiture of civic, civil and family rights, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131-26;
        2. prohibition to hold public office, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131 -27;
        3. area banishment, pursuant to the conditions set out under Article 131-31;
        4. confiscation of any or all of their assets
        Article 213-2
        (Act no. 1993-1027 of 24 August 1993 Article 33 Official Journal of 29 August 1993)
        (Act no. 1998-349 of 11 May 1998 Article 37 Official Journal of 12 May 1998)
        (Act no. 2003-1119 of 26 November 2003 Article 78 III Official Journal of 27 November 2003)

        Any alien convicted of any of the offences under the present title may be banished from French territory either permanently or for a maximum period of ten years, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131-10
        Article 213-3 Legal persons may incur criminal liability for crimes against humanity pursuant to the conditions set out under article 121-2. The penalties to be incurred by legal persons are:
        1. the penalties enumerated under article 131-39;
        2. confiscation of any or all of their assets
        Article 213-4
        The perpetrator or the accomplice to a felony under the present title is not exonerated from his responsibility on the sole basis that he performed an act prescribed or authorised by statutory or regulatory provisions, or an act ordered by legitimate authority. A court shall nevertheless take this circumstance into account when deciding the nature and extent of the sentence.
        Article 213-5
        Criminal liability for the felonies set out under the present title is imprescriptable, as are the sentences imposed

      [Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base]

  • Code pénal. [External link]
    (Full text of Penal Code of France). Version consolidée au 4 mars 2017. Legifrance [FRA]
    [Edition in progress]
  • Penal Code. [External link]
    Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base [ENG]
    [Edition in progress]

    War Crimes

      Livre IV bis : Des crimes et des délits de guerre [Arts. 461-1 -- 461-31]

      Section 1 : De la définition des crimes et délits de guerre

        Article 461-1 [Créé par LOI n°2010-930 du 9 août 2010 - art. 7]

        Constituent des crimes ou des délits de guerre les infractions définies par le présent livre commises, lors d'un conflit armé international ou non international et en relation avec ce conflit, en violation des lois et coutumes de la guerre ou des conventions internationales applicables aux conflits armés, à l'encontre des personnes ou des biens visés aux articles 461-2 à 461-31.

      Article 461-2

        Sont passibles des aggravations de peines prévues à l'article 462-1 les atteintes volontaires à la vie, les atteintes volontaires à l'intégrité physique ou psychique de la personne ainsi que l'enlèvement et la séquestration, définis par le livre II du présent code et commis à l'encontre d'une personne protégée par le droit international des conflits armés en vertu des lois et coutumes de guerre et du droit international humanitaire...

    Full text available at:

  • Code pénal. [External link]
    (Full text of Penal Code of France). Version consolidée au 4 mars 2017. Legifrance [FRA]
    [Edition in progress]
  • Penal Code. [External link]
    Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base [ENG]
    [Edition in progress]


      Livre IV : De quelques procédures particulières
        Titre IX : Des infractions commises hors du territoire de la République
          Chapitre Ier : De la compétence des juridictions françaises

      Article 689-11

      (Créé par LOI n°2010-930 du 9 août 2010 - art. 8)

      Peut être poursuivie et jugée par les juridictions françaises toute personne qui réside habituellement sur le territoire de la République et qui s'est rendue coupable à l'étranger de l'un des crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour pénale internationale en application de la convention portant statut de la Cour pénale internationale signée à Rome le 18 juillet 1998, si les faits sont punis par la législation de l'Etat où ils ont été commis ou si cet Etat ou l'Etat dont elle a la nationalité est partie à la convention précitée.

      La poursuite de ces crimes ne peut être exercée qu'à la requête du ministère public si aucune juridiction internationale ou nationale ne demande la remise ou l'extradition de la personne. A cette fin, le ministère public s'assure auprès de la Cour pénale internationale qu'elle décline expressément sa compétence et vérifie qu'aucune autre juridiction internationale compétente pour juger la personne n'a demandé sa remise et qu'aucun autre Etat n'a demandé son extradition.

    International Criminal Court

  • Loi n° 2010-930 du 9 août 2010 portant adaptation du droit pénal à l'institution de la Cour pénale internationale. (Law n° 2010-930 of 9 August 2010 adaptating Criminal Law to the Establishment of the International Criminal Court). Version consolidée au 11 août 2010. JO n° 183 du 10 août 2010. [FRA]
    (Cette loi est d'application directe et ne prévoit pas de mesure réglementaire.) (This law is directly applicable and does not require any reglamentary provision).
  • Travaux préparatoires sur la Loi n° 2010-930 du 9 août 2010 portant adaptation du droit pénal à l'institution de la Cour pénale internationale.
    Assemblée nationale, France. [FRA] [Edition in progress]
  • Décision n° 2010-612 DC du 05 août 2010: Loi portant adaptation du droit pénal à l'institution de la Cour pénale internationale.
    Décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 2010-612 DC du 5 août 2010. [FRA] [Edition in progress]
  • Loi n° 2002-268 du 26 février 2002 relative à la coopération avec la Cour pénale internationale.
    (Law n° 2002-268 of 26 February 2002 on cooperation with the International Criminal Court). Version consolidée au 27 février 2002. [FRA] [Edition in progress]
  • Rapport d'information sur la Cour pénale internationale.
    Par M. André DULAIT, fait au nom de la commission des affaires étrangères, de la défense et des forces armées, Rapport d'information 313 (98-99) du 12 avril 1999. [FRA] [Edition in progress]

    Ad-Hoc Tribunals (ICTY and ICTR)

  • Loi portant adaptation de la législation française aux dispositions de la résolution 955 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies instituant un tribunal international en vue de juger les personnes présumées responsables d'actes de génocide ou d'autres violations graves du droit international humanitaire commis en 1994 sur le territoire du Rwanda et, s'agissant des citoyens rwandais, sur le territoire d'Etats voisins.
    Président de la République, Paris, 22 mai 1996 [FRA]
    Law n° 96-432 of May 1996 adapting French legislation to the provisions of United Nations Security Council resolution 955 establishing an international criminal tribunal to prosecute persons presumed responsible for acts of genocide or other serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in 1994 in the territory of Rwanda and, for Rwandan citizens, in neighbouring States
  • Loi portant adaptation de la législation française aux dispositions de la résolution 827 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies instituant un tribunal international en vue de juger les personnes présumées responsables d'actes de génocide ou d'autres violations graves du droit international humanitaire commises sur le territoire de l'ex Yougoslavie depuis 1991
    Président de la République, Paris, 02 janvier 1995 [FRA]
    Law n° 95-1 of 2 January 1995 adapting French legislation to the provisions of United Nations Security Council resolution 827 establishing an international criminal tribunal to prosecute persons presumed responsible for acts of genocide or other serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991

  • Judicial Decisions

  • Arrêt de la Cour de Cassation confirmant la condamnation de Maurice Papon pour crimes contre l’humanité.
    Cour de cassation, Assemblée plénière, Paris, 11 juin 2004 [FRA]
  • Arrêt de la Cour de Cassation confirmant la condamnation de Wenceslas Munyeshyaka pour crimes contre l’humanité.
    Cour de Cassation, chambre criminelle, Paris, 06 janvier 1998 [FRA]
  • Arrêt de la Cour de Cassation confirmant la condamnation de Javor pour crimes contre l’humanité.
    Cour de Cassation, chambre criminelle, Paris, 26 mars 1996 [FRA]
  • Arrêt de la Cour de Cassation confirmant la condamnation de Paul Touvier pour crimes contre l’humanité.
    Cour de Cassation, chambre criminelle, Paris, 01 juin 1995 [FRA]
  • Arrêt de la Cour de Cassation confirmant la condamnation de Klaus Barbie pour crimes contre l’humanité.
    Cour de Cassation, chambre criminelle, Paris, 03 juin 1988 [FRA]

  • Links

  • Legifrance.
    Le Service Public de la Diffussion du Droit. [FRA] [Last accessed 15Nov17]. [External link]

  • Recherche dans la jurisprudence judiciaire
    Legifrance (Le Service Public de la Diffussion du Droit). [FRA] [Last accessed 09Aug17]. [External link]

  • Code de procédure pénale. [External link]
    (Full text of Criminal Procedure Law of France). Version consolidée au 1 avril 2017. Legifrance. [FRA]. [Last accessed 15Nov17]. [External link].

  • Code of Criminal Procedure.
    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, National Legal Resources Data Base. [ENG]. [Last accessed 15Nov17]. [External link].