


Moscow concerned about possible sending of NATO helicopters to Libyan coast

Moscow is concerned about the possible sending of NATO coalition helicopters to the Libyan coast, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich told a Thursday press briefing in Moscow.

"The fact of the transfer of such armaments causes the most serious fears," he said.

The Russian partners say they are not preparing a land operation in Libya, he emphasized.

"Such scenarios would totally disagree with UN Security Council resolutions, especially resolution 1973, which is being increasingly breached by the international coalition," he said.

The Russian policy on Libya is unwavering, Lukashevich said.

"The main task now is not the use of force, which the international coalition is clearly abusing, but the search for ways to ensure the immediate end of the bloodshed and the beginning of the inter-Libyan dialog," he said.

He called on parties to the Libyan conflict to abide by UN Security Council resolutions and recommendations of the UN Secretary General's special envoy.

"On its part, Russia assists such peace initiatives the best it can," Lukashevich said.

[Source: Interfax, Moscow, 26May11]

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Libya War
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